A Word To The Wise

A farmer does not look for results on planting a seed until he has given out his attention and concern of its fullness. Your first act of having God in your life is your desire. It is the seed of faith. It will have the rest of your earthly life to grow. If you give it your first concern, checking, nourishing and laboring for its fullness. It is an unwise farmer who thinks his ground, so usable to never then cultivate. To think the seed planted so powerful, that he gives out no concern. That then finds his seed stunted or completely dead. The mere fact of you having a desire for God, places a seed of faith that may lead you to a born again experience to a new life. It's really depending a lot of how you feed or neglect that desire. It will take no less effort from you than the wise and successful farmer for his planting for you to be a fruitful wise and successful Christian. Remember daily to ask for the Lord's help to give you foresight, strength, ability, knowledge, and determination. Above all be delighted to feel and obey this new Holy Spirit. Visiting and making ready its hopeful home in your new life eternal.

  • "Congratulations and Welcome!
  • You're here because you already know the most powerful and direct path to realizing your dreams....Is Your mind!
  • In a few moments, I'm going to show you how you can quickly and easily harness the power of your mind... and... use this secret to create a life filled with more passion, excitement, confidence, and joy than you've ever dreamed!
  • Imagine, just for a moment, what it would be like to have all the Love, Wealth, Sex, Happiness, Peace and Joy that you truly deserve?
  • Whatever your biggest desire or dream is right now, you have the ability to realize it. It's truly within your reach...
  • It makes no difference how desperate your situation is now... or how out of reach your goals may seem to you today... you're about to discover how you can finally break free from the restraints of your current life and finally start realizing your dreams...
  • In fact, the powerful mind technique I'm about to show you is so simple to master, you'll be astonished at just how EASILY your life can transform to deliver a world full of new opportunities for you...
  • But, before we go into that... let me ask you this one important question:
  • Have you ever wondered why some people succeed so easily while others, often in the exact same circumstances, struggle and fail?
  • Successful people aren't any smarter than anyone else.... they have simply learned how to use a special power within themselves to get whatever they want.... And you can too!
  • The Astonishing Secret That Will Set You Free ...
  • Right now, you have deep inside yourself an endless stream of intelligence, even genius that can be tapped if you'll just dig deep enough ....it's called the miracle of your subconscious mind.
  • And, once you awaken it, "magic" starts to happen...
  • This intelligence was given to you at the moment you were born. But only a small number of individuals recognize this powerful Secret and use it to its full and infinite potential. Now is your chance to stand among them.
  • After all, we did not come here to be ordinary. We did not travel this great distance to give up and lie down. We came here to be joyful. To realize our full and universal potential, and to live an extraordinary life.
  • Let me share something important with you...
  • Can you remember a time when you where driving somewhere, you finally arrived at your destination, and you have no idea how you got there?
  • Think about that for a minute - you turned corners, stopped at intersections, didn't hit any pedestrians, used your indicators, your brake, your accelerator... maybe you even changed gears. And you can't recall any of it...
  • Your subconscious mind took control and drove the car while your conscious mind focused on something else.
  • Well believe it or not, that's exactly how it happens in life... Your subconscious mind has control. And, it's driving you to the life destination that it believes you want to go too!
  • Your actions and behaviours without even realizing it, follow your subconscious instructions. Just like your body followed it's instructions when you were driving the car...
  • "Take this turn, stop at this intersection" etc, ...all without "consciously" thinking about it.
  • As you awaken to the idea that your subconscious is taking you on a journey, you also begin to realize the possibility that the journey and the final destination may not be where you want to go!
  • It's Time For You To Know The Truth!
  • With this new awakening you
  • can begin to understandthat where you are now - is Not your fault.
  • It's years of programming - predominantly the first 5 or 6 years of your life - that builds your deeply ingrained subconscious program. Or more appropriately: the core values and beliefs that govern your life.
  • Your core values and beliefs control what you think about, the people you identify with, the way in which you handle money, your level of self-expression, the people you choose as friends and companions...and the goals in which you aspire to.
  • Most of us adapted these long ago from our parents, teachers, friends or media... and, although they may mean well, often the messages and beliefs they instill in young people are fear-based and limiting. They're also very difficult to erase.
  • Thus, our minds tend to become too "over-crowded" with negative thoughts and chatter, deeply ingrained bad habits, and old programs that keep sabotaging our effort to bring positive change into our lives...
  • So subtle is this process that you may go through your entire life burdened by it, never recognizing its presence.
  • Isn't it time you...UNLEASHED the True Hidden Genius inside you and claimed the things you want from life?
  • Imagine for a moment, what it feels like, if you had everything in your life you truly desired? A deep love with your partner... an endless supply of cash... success and recognition... a totally fulfilling sex life and more, much more...
  • Well, the good news is...
  • You DO Have The Power To
  • Rewrite Your Reality...
  • (And, it's actually easier than you think!)...

  • Despite what you may have heard...
  • Changing your life doesn't have to be some kind of long, grueling process.
  • You don't have to renounce all earthly pleasures and go sit naked on a mountain top and meditate for hours a day!
  • Sometimes transforming your life can be such a simple activity that you don't even realize it...
  • A number of methods have been created over the years to change your subconscious programming. Affirmations is just one example. Now don't get me wrong, affirmations can, and do, change your subconscious.
  • BUT it's hard work! You have to do "battle" with your conscious mind to allow your new beliefs of success and happiness into your subconscious (the REAL powerhouse). So...
  • Why Do It The Hard Way?
  • Wouldn't it be much easier and faster if you could send messages directly to your subconscious mind (bypassing the critical conscious mind altogether)?
  • Of course it would!
  • The good news for you is, Praying, writing notes and talking to your self does bring results. Get Started today ask help from the one source that can give you all the help and aid that you will ever need. Our Father in Heaven. Believe in him, trust him, count on him. He said that he would take care of every need we ever had if we would ask help from him in the name of his son Jesus Christ. Why won't we just take him for his world and ask for his help to get better control of our mind, so we can have the great and wonderful life he wants us to have.
  • Overcome stress and illness.

    While most of us realize we are subjected to pressure from stress-causing people and situations, most of us are not aware of the extent that common problems like anxiety, smoking and overeating result from our simple, angry overreactions to stress.

    More serious physical and mental conditions also become rooted in our negative emotions. Simply learning how to step back from those negative emotions is for many the key to overcoming emotional and spiritual problems.

    In use for over 45 years this simple technique has proven effective in conquering anger, stress and the negative emotions that lead to illness and personal failure.

    How It Works

    Unlike Eastern meditations that mask reality with mindless mantras, or hypnosis that provides a temporary feeling of well-being, "Be Still and Know" shows you how to sharpen your awareness by calmly dealing with the pressures of life. In "Be Still and Know" Roy Masters shows you how to meet stress head-on without having to escape into mindless distractions or positive-thinking "feel-good" routines.
    By practicing "Be Still and Know" for 20 minutes twice a day, you'll discover how to effortlessly escape from anxiety, fear and stress by overcoming the angers and trauma that can become the root of many debilitating conditions such as Addiction, ADD/ADHD, Bi-polar Disorder, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, and PTSD

    Who Can Benefit

    Many people, including successful professionals, have discovered the key to improving careers, family relationships and health. By understanding how to recognize and eliminate the negative emotions that result in stress and self-defeating behaviors, we can eliminate what prevents us from reaching our full potential and finding happiness.