What is a Christian Outreach Association Mission

A Christian Outreach mission is a fellowship meeting of people with belief on Jesus Christ, The living Son of God. Their purpose is to fellowship and study the Bible to be a body of believers in one accord. Reaching to share their experiences, strengths and hopes with each other that they may solve their common problems and help others to recover to a better life.


1. To obtain spiritual pleasement to God.

2. To offer spiritual and friendship counseling to seekers.

3. To find unity as Christians to use their abilities and talents in the service of the Lord.

God demands Christian Fellowship. His Holy Word states that the Love for the Brethren is prove of one's salvation. With Christian Outreach Missions many people find it easier to feel genuine brotherly and sisterly love in a small congregation of people whose faces,names and deeds or character they know.

At a Christian Outreach Mission attended by Believers desiring Spiritual Unity, any seeker will find the opportunity to let a Christian Life develop fruitfully.

Christian Outreach Missions encourages it's members to be active in their Church involvement, we stand for working with and for your Church.

Our desire is to promote local missionary work.

  • 1.To help people find hope of their vision in life.
  • 2 To be confidence builders to others.
  • 3. To help form or train Christian Work Groups.

Because most Christian Outreach Missions are being operated from private homes, encouragement is given to keep the mission membership small in number. After receiving twelve full time members, 1/4 of the membership is selected to establish another Christian Outreach Mission.

Every wise Church would welcome a Christian Outreach Mission to be established in their midst.

Maybe you would like to join A Email Mission Team participating in a on line Christian Outreach Mission group that will strengthen you as a Christian, bring you excitement, joy, contentment as well as give you new Christian friends and acquaintances. I hope you will consider starting an email group with us. A group of "4" emailers is formed to make a group, then it is increased to "12" emailers, then "4" of the "12" are chosen to form a new group. It is a good feeling to see the fruits of one group turn into another group one after another. First you give your group a name. The first "4" people will be the Director, Message Leader, Prayer Caregiver, and the Group Secretary. Each member of the group trys to get people to join the group. We help your group with insights,wisdom of the Word and knowledge of what is going on with other groups. Though we may become many, we will always seek to be in one accord. We need to lay aside what we think is important and understand there are a lot of people getting ready to go to Hell if we don't have the ability to reach them. Getting started is easy-email people-ask them to check out http://www.christianoutreachassociation.com   As they view the message board, They will be invited to join your group or will state they want to form a group of their own. We will put your group together, then you can start emailing one another and hopefully establish a long lasting friendship relationship. Get started, you will find a lot of enjoyment. Click membership Information,Click Add Member, join our group of believers in John 3:16. In the comment space tell us if you would like to join a Christian Outreach Team group, give us the name of the group if you have preferance, or tell us if you would like to be a director and start a group with us.email us at christianoutreachassociation@hotmail.com