
We know the true reason for the coming of Jesus Christ into the world. It was to redeem all men from "spiritual death" and banishment from the presence of the Lord, who would seek repentance and remission of sins and endurance to the end of their life. Jesus was the only person who ever came in this world who had power over death. And having that great power by shedding his blood on the cross for us and receive the power of resurrection. He had all power to call every person forth from the grave. After he came forth from the tomb on the third day, after his crucifixion he opened the graves of the righteous saints who had lived from the days of Adam to the time of his crucifixion. The reality of the resurrection is demonstrated by the following testimonies of those who have seen the risen Lord (Matthew 28:9-10-16-20, John 20:11-18-24, John 21:1-14, 1 Corinthians 15:3-8) Had there been no fall, there would have been no resurrection. Since there was a transgression which brought death, the atonement had to be made by the "Son of God" who had the power over death. We have the knowledge that those we bury here, God will bring up again. Those who had Christ in their life to an eternal glory in the complete presence of our Lord and God. To all others complete banishment of the presence of God and his works into damnation with Satan and his followers.